The district council agreed with the objectors and turned down the application. 区政务委员会同意反对者的意见,拒绝了这一申请。
The District Council made a weekly collection of refuse. 区政务委员会每周收取一次垃圾。
Starting on Monday, workers at a district council in eastern England must clock off and back on if they take a cigarette break, as they will no longer be paid for time spent smoking, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,11月1日起,英格兰东部一个区议会的员工若想抽根烟歇一会,必须打卡计时,他们在吸烟时段将不再获取工作报酬。
Do you plan to vote in the District Council election this november? 你有打算系黎紧十一月既区议会选举中投票?
A Vice-Chairman post has been created in each District Council to assist the Chairman in handling council business. 各区区议会还增设了区议会副主席一职,协助区议会主席处理议会事务。
A District Council is composed of elected members, appointed members, and, in the case of District Councils in rural areas, the chairmen of Rural Committees as ex officio members. 区议会由民选议员和委任议员组成。在新界区的区议会,乡事委员会主席为当然议员。
Meeting-cum-luncheons are held in camera with District Council members from time to time to discuss and exchange views on matters of mutual interest. 立法会议员不时与区议会议员行闭门会议及共进午餐,以便就彼此关注的事项进行讨论及交换意见。
Affected by the cold, the northern part ofthe Northeast District Council to have a small snow. 受冷流影响,东北北部管区局地有小阵雪。
Do you think this year's District Council election was corruption-free? 你认为今届区议会选举系唔系廉洁进行?
Which problem do you think the New District Council members need to tackle first? 你认为选出黎既区议员最需要解决咩问题?
A Comparative Study on the Process of Election between Village Committees in Mainland China and Hong Kong District Council 大陆村委会与香港区议会选举过程比较研究
Some participants suggested that district council members should become members of the election committee since they were elected. 有嘉宾提出,既然区议员也是由选举产生,区议员应可以直接成为选举委员会的委员。
He is also Member of Kwai Tsing District Council, Member of the Vocational Training Council, and. 他亦为葵青区议会议员、职业训练局理事、及基本法推广督导委员会委员。
Sign warning of quicksand: Quicksand. Any person passing this point will be drowned. By order of the district council. 流沙警告:任何人经过此处可能按区委会命令淹死。
A participant suggested that the current composition of the four sectors remain unchanged, but include all District Council members. 有嘉宾提议四个分组维持不变,另加入全体区议员。
Madam president, the main thrust of the proposed package is the enhanced level of participation of District Council members in the election committee and the legislative council. 主席女士,建议方案的重点,是增强区议员在选举委员会和立法会的参与程度。
Workers at a district council in eastern England must now clock off and back on if they take a cigarette break. 英格兰东部一家地方议会日前规定,工作人员若想出去抽根烟休息一下必须打卡。
Dr Hon YEUNG Sum moved a motion on "appointing least number of District Council members" for debate in the council. 杨森议员就“委任最少的区议员”动议议案,以便在立法会辩论。
Note: the relevant extract of the meeting notes were prepared in Chinese by the District Council secretariats, and confirmed by district councils. 注:有关会议记录的摘录由有关区议会秘书处以中文撰写,并已获该区议会确认。
This series of maps shows the monthly number of reported cases by district and the cumulative number by DCCA ( District Council constituency area) between Day One ( 1 may) and the end of September. 这一辑地图显示2009年五月至九月期间,各区的猪流感每月报告数,以及各区议会分区的累积感染人数。
I further declare that I am not an incumbent Member of any District Council. 本人亦进一步声明,本人并非现任区议员。
The light green areas are DCCAs ( District Council Constituency Areas) in central Tai Po where most people in the District live. 地图中央浅绿色地带是较多大埔区居民居住的区议会选区。
Each district council has either set up a committee on environmental improvement or expanded the role of an existing one, to strengthen its role in monitoring the delivery of environmental hygiene services. 为加强区议会在监察环境卫生服务方面的角色,各区区议会均已设立环境改善委员会或扩大原有委员会的职能。
The District Officer reports regularly the work of the District Management Committee to the District Council. 民政事务专员定时向区议会汇报地区管理委员会的工作。
The project, commissioned by New Forest District Council in partnership with the Channel Coast Observatory, employed laser scanning to monitor changes in coastal defence structures over time. 该项目委托,由新林区会伙拍海峡沿岸,天文台,采用激光扫描,以监测变化海防搭建一段时间。
Applications to the High Court to challenge the results of the Legislative Council or District Council elections. 向高等法院申请推翻立法会或区议会的选举结果。
DAB chairman Ma Lik said the party had regarded its election pro ects as "rather critical" since November's district council electio, in which the pro-government candidates suffered a heavy defeat. 民建联主席马力表示该党自区议会选举以来都认为「选情严峻」,当时亲政府议员大败而回。
If District Council members were given a say in selecting the chief executive, voters would have different considerations when casting their votes in District Council election. 如果区议员有权推选行政长官人选,选民在区议会投票时会有不同的考虑。
Yuen Long District Council raised a number of concern regarding the roles and functions of dc. 元朗区议会就区议会的角色和职能提出多项关注。
HAJJI ABDUL AHAD HELMANDWAL, a district council leader in Helmand Province, on the challenges of winning over civilians who are already enraged at foreign troops'mistakes. 阿富汗赫尔曼德省一位区议院领袖质疑联军是否能成功拉拢当地人心,当地居民早已被联军的误炸所激怒。